Dogal Malvasia, il vino del mare -
Abbiamo ridato vita all’antica tradizione di Venezia e dei suoi vini d’Oriente- Malvasia, vino del mare, per ripercorrere idealmente i viaggi e la storia della nostra Venezia.
Il nome Malvasia deriva da Monemvasia, piccolo borgo greco di antichissime origini affacciato sul mare. Luogo dove veniva coltivato il vitigno, poi scoperto dai veneziani intorno al 1200 e diffuso lungo tutto il mediterraneo con il nome Malvasia. Rendendolo nel medioevo il vitigno più famoso al mondo per oltre 3o0 anni.
We have revived the ancient tradition of Venice and its Eastern wines - Malvasia, wine of the sea, to ideally retrace the travels and history of our Venice.
The name Malvasia has its origins in the small Greek village of Monemvasia, which overlooks the sea. The vine was grown in this place, which was discovered by the Venetians around 1200. They then spread the vine throughoutthe Mediterranean underthe name Malvasia. This resulted in Malvasia becoming the most famous grape variety in the world during the Middle Ages for over 300 years.

Dogal takes its name from the word “Doge,” historically the head and iconic symbol of the city of Venice and its prosperity and prestige in the world.
The Brand is inspired by Venice – a unique city, the crossroads of culture, art and beauty – and by the people so extraordinary who have made it great.
It is inspired by the very first Venetians, who imagined and founded the city on water, making the impossible possible. They bestowed forever on Venice the power of their vision.

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